
If you are interested in VR development feel free to contact us!

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Oleh Vorobiov

Software Developer

Started with silly scripts in python and bash when he was a child, in 2018 he first got into VR on Linux and never left. Now he mainly works on VR device drivers and on Linux user space software. He believes that getting more use out of his old devices with Linux is literally the best thing ever!

Josh Miklos

Software Developer - AI

Has unique implementations of PPO, depth estimation, and coordinate encoding, as well as non-ML algorithms like fast blob tracking. Currently trying to make a fast enough Simultaneous Localization and Mapping algorithm for VR, one that works for all systems.

NJ Boyd

Hardware Developer

Jack of All trades and in love with immersive entertainment from an early age. Currently bridging the physical and digital world through hardware design and facial tracking.


Graying eminence

This user prefers to keep an air of mystery about them.